

gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
sudo gem install defunkt-github


Usage: github command <space separated arguments>

Available commands:

  browse       => Open this repo in a web browser.
                  % github browse [user] [branch]
  clone        => Clone a repo. Uses ssh if current user is 
                  % github clone [user] [repo] [dir]
                --ssh: Clone using the git@github.com style url.
  config       => Automatically set configuration info, or pass args to specify.
                  % github config [my_username] [my_repo_name]
  create       => Create a new, empty GitHub repository
                  % github create [repo]
                --markdown: Create README.markdown
                --textile : Create README.textile
                --rdoc    : Create README.rdoc
  fetch        => Fetch from a remote to a local branch.
  fetch_all    => Fetch all refs from a user
  fork         => Forks a GitHub repository
                  % github fork [user]/[repo]
  home         => Open this repo's master branch in a web browser.
  ignore       => Ignore a SHA (from 'github network commits')
  info         => Info about this project.
  network      => Project network tools - sub-commands : web [user], list, fetch, commits
                --cache     : Use the network data even if it's expired
                --project   : Filter commits on a certain project
                --limit     : Only look through the first X heads - useful for really large projects
                --applies   : Filter commits to patches that apply cleanly
                --before    : Only show commits before a certain date
                --after     : Only show commits after a certain date
                --noapply   : Filter commits to patches that do not apply cleanly
                --shas      : Only show shas
                --author    : Filter commits on a email address of author
                --sort      : How to sort : date(*), branch, author
                --common    : Show common branch point
                --thisbranch: Look at branches that match the current one
                --nocache   : Do not use the cached network data
  pull-request => Generate the text for a pull request.
                  % github pull-request [user] [branch]
  pull         => Pull from a remote.
                  % github pull [user] [branch]
                --merge: Automatically merge remote's changes into your master.
  track        => Track another user's repository.
                  % github track remote [user]
                  % github track remote [user/repo]
                  % github track [user]
                  % github track [user/repo]
                --ssh    : Equivalent to --private
                --private: Use git@github.com: instead of git://github.com/.
